Library and Resources

Library of my Free Audio Files

Making Resonant Choices – Jan 2019
How do we make our choices for our next step, our path, a career that is in alignment with our own unique and essential nature? This call discusses how we have been taught to make choices in the past as well as offering you other more resonant ways to make choices for your future.

How Does Our Brain Think New Thoughts? – Feb 2019

Thought is created by glia cells that have only been identified over the past 30 years. Elektra shares with an overview of these discoveries and how they show us the interaction of our memories, our thoughts and our imagination.

Creativity and Your Sentient Intelligence – March 2019

It is imperative that we restore our capacity for creativity. Creativity brings us new choices, new ways of acting and being in the world. Elektra explores how our sentient intelligence is the key to our creativity, To listen download the audio file.

A Common Language for Us All – April 2019

There is one language that we all can access and that is the language of our sentient intelligence. We are not taught to value this information from our own systems. What do we gain by becoming proficient in this listening to our sentient intelligence? To listen, download this audio file.

Enlightenment : What is it? – May 2019

Enlightenment can be the Age of Reason and the latest frontier of spirituality. How do you define it? Why pursue it?


Books, video and audio files that I recommend: 


Language of Creation by Tantra Maat:

The Root of Thought by Andrew Koob

The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, MD

The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge, MD

Song of Increase by Jacqueline Freeman

Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible by Charles Eisenstein

SandTalk by Tyson Yunkaporta

Website resources:


The Language of Consciousness Institute: Resources, blogs, for learning about a culture of unity and the Language of Creation.