9.18.18 We drove thru Galway to pick up the part for the sideview mirror and then were on our way to Clifden which is near the sea on the west coast of Ireland. On our way we stopped at a place called Brigid’s garden. It had gardens designed for the Soltices and Equinoxes; an copy of a thatched cottage, group of standing stones and so much more that I got lost. I almost missed lunch! In the afternoon we got to Omey Island. We had to wait for the tide to go out enough so that Celine could drive the car over. Maggie and Kea walked across to Omey Island and were exhilarated when they got to the other side. Cold wind and skipping over patches of water had its appeal. It was on this island that we held our third ceremony with Fiona by phone which, given the winds, was a challenge to hear her voice! Maggie, Sahere and I walked back from Omey Island to the mainland as the tide started to come back in. Brrr. So windy that you had to bend into the wind! We arrived at Clifden in the evening ready for a day off.
9.19.18 Luckily we had planned for this day to be our day off. During the night a hurricane blew thru town (and most of Ireland) with huge winds, rattling windows in this old house which was our B&B. We had a morning debrief of all that we were experiencing emotionally and energetically, as well as what we wanted for the rest of the trip. It was like the wind came in and blew thru any of our last concerns and blew them away. There was an arts festival going on in Clifden that whole week, ao Kea and I went to see a one woman play of Lady Gregory who was a pivotal figure in in the arts and literary world from the 1880s-1930s, while the rest of our group went to see the sea. That evening we ate an early dinner at a pub and shared what our own sense or descriptoin of our Sovereign Natures of Being. As each person shared, I could see that Being in each of them and could remember when I had seen it before in their actions and words. We came together differently from this point on. It was a truly significant milestone in our trip and our friendship for me. Celine has been an amazing support as she holds the space for our Sovereign Beings to be recognized by us. The evening ended with soft serve ice cream cones that were Maggie’s passion on the trip.
My dear Elektra- I just read all the entries so far and with such joy as I “travelled” with you tuning in to the spirit and flavour of the journeys. Remarkable to feel such strong heart/spirit connection yet completely natural too! I bless the matrices of you all in unity with the matrices of me/us all that allows the capacity to share this way. Thank you all so much for the viaggio.